Welland Bio Power Ltd
  • Welland Bio Power Ltd
  • Theddingworth, Leicestershire
  • Nexterra Systems Corporation gasification technology
  • 72,000 t/y, 9MW (net)
  • August 2020 – present day
  • Welland Bio Power Ltd

Welland Bio Power Resources Centre is a thermal renewable power generation facility located at Theddingworth, near Lutterworth.

The facility is capable of processing up to 72,000 tonnes waste wood biomass each year using gasification technology. Heat generated from the gasification process is recovered and is used to generate up to 9MW of clean, renewable electricity.

Welland Bio Power Limited owns the facility. In April 2021, they awarded Welland Operations Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of Cobalt Energy Operational Services Ltd (CEOSL)), a five-year operations and maintenance (O&M) agreement to operate the facility. CEOSL are part of the Cobalt Energy Group along with Cobalt Energy Ltd.

The plant is operated and maintained by a team of 24 staff from the local community and uses the goods and services of local businesses wherever possible.

Cobalt Energy Limited are the management services provider for the facility, working together with both Welland Operations and Welland Bio Power. Cobalt Energy cover project, technical and commercial management functions.